Christmas Caroling

Caley Ridge Assisted Living

About and tips

We have been invited by Bear Scout Maverick Hester's Grandma, Debbie Hutto, to carol at the assisted living home where she works.


Boston and Caley Ave, behind the Home Depot at I-25 and Arapahoe


The best way tp spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!

It's almost time for Christmas Caroling, which counts as our December hike! If you're wondering, yes, this does go towards earning a hiking stick. This year we will be caroling at Caley Ridge Assisted Living Home.

Important Reminder: YOU MUST RSVP to the Assistant Hike Leader, David Vanderploeg (Call or Text: 303-506-3654), if you plan on attending so we know how many to expect and who to meet up with at the retirement home!

When: Sunday December 17th, 2017 1:00 PM

Where: Caley Ridge Assisted Living Home. Take Arapahoe to Boston, turn left, pass the Home Depot, turn right on Caley Ave. and you're there.

Why: To spread holiday cheer, give back to our community, and earn a hike loop.

Who: All Pack 559 Scouts, their family and human friends! Anyone who's excited to spread Christmas cheer.

Attire: Class-A uniforms, but feel free to add a festive hat.

What else: Our song list should be attached. Please make sure our carolers are familiar with all songs before we start.

Please bring around 10 signed Cards (Christmas, Hanukkah, generic Holidays) per scout, we will hand them out. If we have extras I will deliver them to other retirement homes in the area.

The Hester's have generously offered to provide hot chocolate, which we'll enjoy in a private room at the home.