Den 6
Events and Parent Commitment
Lion Scouts involves two to three events per month. A parent or guardian must be present with the scout through all events.
One den meeting each month from September through May. Den meetings are hosted in a home or in the cafeteria & gym at Sandburg Elementary.
One pack meeting or Outing each month from September through May. Pack meetings are held in the Sandburg Elementary gym.
Pack hike each month. Hike schedules, locations, and other details can be found on Scoutbook and the Pack 559 website. All family members are welcome on hikes.
Each family leads one of the den meetings. You just follow the adventure plan in the Parent and Leader book.
Each family brings snacks to one of the meetings.
Pinewood Derby is optional for Lions, but it’s super fun!
Fundraising, such as selling popcorn and camp cards, is NOT required for Lion Scouts.
Summer camps are fun for the whole family. Lions cross over to Tigers in May and therefore attend camp as a Tiger.
Lions wear a Lion t-shirt, neckerchief, neckerchief slide/woggle, belt, and optional hat. Please wear to every meeting unless otherwise notified. A full Class A cub scout uniform doesn’t start until Tigers in 1st grade.
Pack 559 t-shirts aka Class B uniforms are great for hikes, cleanups, and other dirty events. They are available in child and adult sizes.
Lions receive an adventure loop on their belt for each adventure in their book. A lion badge is awarded after completing all of the required adventures.
Scoutbook is a website that pack 559 uses to keep track of announcements, calendars, contacts, and scouts’ achievements. A login is required. Having a Scoutbook account means you will get emails and be able to see the calendar. In short, you need an account to keep up with what’s going on with the pack.