Service Projects
Project C.U.R.E. Kits for Kids
Kits for Kids provide personal hygiene and basic “medicine cabinet” items that are scarce in the developing world. If a child gets hurt, families might have to travel a long distance by bicycle, bus or even on foot to receive care at the nearest hospital or medical clinic. Working with volunteer Pediatricians and Nurses, Project C.U.R.E. developed Kits for Kids to give parents in developing countries the supplies they need to provide basic care at home. In our real medical kits for kids, we even provide a bar of soap to encourage handwashing and avoid serious infections.
Scouting for Food
Scouting for Food is the annual food-collection drive run by the Denver Area Council. It’s another reminder to our local communities that Scouts are here, doing good turns. Scouting for Food takes place on two consecutive weekends. On the first weekend (November 5, 6 & 7), Scouts distribute door hangers to let their neighbors know about the drive. On the Saturday following (November 13), Scouts revisit those homes to pick up bags full of canned food, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, juice, and other nonperishable items. The food is delivered to needy families throughout the council’s borders through our partnership with the Food Bank of the Rockies and relationships Troops and Packs have with their Chartered Partners or other local food pantries.
Pack 559 donates to Littleton Church of Christ Food Bank.
In addition, the Denver Area Council will be hosting a collection site at Donald E. Scott Colorado Adventure Point (10455 W 6th Avenue) on Saturday, November 13 from 9 AM until 3 PM to provide assistance in getting the collected food to the needy families.